Hello from Iceland! I’m currently on a six-day trek through Iceland. I’m spending my days outdoors. In Iceland. In February. And I’m 5 months pregnant. It’s an unconventional babymoon to say the least! I’ve been getting lots of questions and wanted to share a little on my trip, and adventures in photography, and motherhood.
If you haven’t seen my blog Why Iceland? have a read before you dive into the Q&A.
Q: What are you most excited about?
I’m so excited to capture a new series! Every trip is an adventure. The Wild We Roam collection has brought me to the deserts of Arizona in a heat wave, the rolling hillsides of California, seaside in France, and sea-surrounded on secluded Sable Island. Each one of these excursions has lead me to meet new people, explore new landscapes, and photograph in different conditions.
Travelling solo gives me time to reflect. As an artist, mom, and entrepreneur, time alone is a rare commodity. I love the fun, excitement, and to be honest, the chaos that comes with running my own business and raising a family. But the time I spend in the field focusing on capturing the moment helps me grow as an artist.
Q: What’s most daunting?
Most daunting? The combination of navigating a new landscape, being pregnant, and carrying my camera bag. The six-day trip that will take me from Reykjavik along the southern coast and then back through the interior. I’ve faced challenging climates before but Iceland will be unlike any other project.
Q: Are you packing differently for this trip because of your pregnancy?
I am definitely travelling lighter. I’m bringing my camera bag as a carry-on along with a small suitcase. For camera equipment, I’m bringing only the essentials:
Stay tuned for a full look of what’s in my camera bag on the blog next week.
Q: In the past, did you have any interesting photoshoots overlap with your pregnancies?
Canadian Living Magazine reached out to me when I was expecting Henry. I was excited about the opportunity but the shoot date fell within a week of my due date. I managed to postpone it until three weeks after Henry was born.
It was an interesting day as a new mom. Packing both a camera and a diaper bag was new for me. I knew he was in good hands with his Grammy but I think any mom can relate how bizarre it feels to leave your newborn for the first time, even briefly.
The shoot went well! A huge bonus was getting to work with the brilliant designer Judith Mackin, owner of Tuck Interiors.
At the end of the day, I felt a mix of emotions. I was exhausted from the sleep deprivation of the past few weeks. I was delighted to be celebrating a new son and a professional win; getting my work featured in a mainstay of Canadian publishing. And I was excited to get back to Henry.
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Jennifer Irving is a fine-art photographer who captures the essence of wild landscapes and creatures. Her unposed portraits are naturally beautiful works about real people and places.